
10.23 元祖天才バカボンのパパなのダァ~!



そう・・・・!! 子供の頃から観ていたアニメの主人公、バカボンのパパの年齢に!


2014年 10月23日  MIYATA  FESTIVAL 2014  


早いもので、あの伝説のMIYATA FESTIVAL 40th 2013 から一年。



10月23日 木曜日  第41回 宮田祭 2014 at OWL  なのだぁ~!!

What's your achievements ?

"What's your achievements  ?"
It is a question that I have received in the interview of the hotel 14 years ago in AUS.
I welcomed Australian guests last night.
They are parents of my friends who He is owner and bartender at Sydney.

He came to Bar Owl with his friends two years ago.
They were interested in the Owl when they came to here and had a good time until late .
Then, he always introduce to OWL his friends and customers from AUS.
Certainly, it's a long distance from AUS to Japan but He shorten this distance always.

This time ,He introduced his parents and friend.
They are very elegant, gentleI and full of tenderness.
It was a short time but  we enjoyed everything last night.

In the meantime,  his dad gave me the wonderful words.
One of them that I told them my Australian life 14y ago,
It is the story of when I was interviewed for hotels job in Australia.
It was a tough interview, 
becaus I did not have the English skills enough to understand their English
But I'll never forget this question.

"What's your achievement ."

I did not know the meaning of this word,
but I had to answer to them and so I talked a lot of answers anyway.
because I wanted to do if there is an answer in that.

Anyway, when I told him such a experience,
His dad gave me the greatest answer.

"My achievement is my two children."

I was impressed by his answer, and  became my answer.
And, I've found the another answer.

"What's your achievement ."

My achievements is two children and Bar OWL where there are a wonderful encounter .

Thanks Col and Jane and Ed.

Best regards


ネグローニ・ズバリアート Negroni Sbagliato

Today's sqecial is
Negroni Sbagliato

Cheers !
in the popularity cocktail at Milan to the 2 goals of HONDA who is member of the AC Milan,

イタリア ミラノのクラッシックカクテル。


